What is sleep hygiene?

Maybe you have heard the term being thrown around, but what does sleep hygiene mean?

Sleep hygiene is the behaviors and routines that help you sleep.

How does sleep hygiene relate to children?

Sleep hygiene is everything done during the day that will impact a child’s sleep, consisting of but not limited to: the child’s schedule, sleep environment and routines.  Children do well when they know what to expect. A schedule helps children to know what is next, including sleep.

A child’s bedroom should be conducive to sleep. The room should be cool, dark and quiet. This cave like room promotes the best sleep environment.

A bedtime routine is not a way to get your child to sleep. It is a cue that it is almost time to sleep. This allows the child to anticipate what is next and prepare himself/herself for sleep.

Ensuring your child has good sleep hygiene will not only help your child fall asleep, it will also help your child to stay asleep.

Good sleep hygiene at a young age lays the foundation for a lifelong well rested individual.