Keep it cool 😎

Temperature is a vital component to the sleep environment.

A child may wake or have difficulty falling asleep if they are too warm.

The room should be a cool 68- 72 degrees Fahrenheit.

Sounds easy right.

A common mistake is just setting the thermostat and assuming your child’s room is this temperature.

The video monitors used today have the temperature of the room displayed. This is a great tool to help gauge the actual temperature in the child’s room. There are also battery operated thermostats that can be found online. They are simply placed in the room and the temperature is displayed.

This is where things get interesting.

You may see a swing of 10degrees between rooms and floors.

The type of heat in your home and the type of home you have, are what may cause this differential in temperature. Knowing this will allow you to adjust the thermostat and ensure the child’s room is in the optimal range for sleep.

Something so simple as temperature could be causing sleep issues for a family. Crazy right!

Do yourself a favor and monitor the temperature in your child’s room and ensure that it is cool.

In addition to monitoring the room temperature, be mindful of what you are dressing your child in for sleep. Be sure that you are not overdressing your child for sleep. Ensure your child is wearing comparable clothes to you and add a layer if your child is still too young for a blanket. It would be unfortunate to get the temperature of the room correct and then have your child wake because they are sweating from being over dressed.

Remember be cool 😎.