It’s that time of year again. Back to School.

As we say good bye to summer, it is time to focus on the upcoming school year.

A great way to get your children ready, is to have them well rested.

School Age Kiddos

The first few weeks of the new school year are tiring for children. The summer has been fun. The majority of kiddos have been focused on play, not school work. It takes time to build back that school stamina.

As your child(ren) adjusts to the new rhythm of school be flexible with bedtime. An early bedtime would be wonderful during the transition into a new school year.  As your child becomes more accustomed to the demands of school you can return bedtime to their “regular” time.  If the early bedtime works with your family’s schedule and your child is waking happy and refreshed, keep it in place. The extra sleep will only benefit your child.


Pre-K is such an exciting time! As many school districts now provide full day Pre-K, your little one may be without an afternoon nap/rest time for the first time.

Provide an early bedtime to help. On the weekends and days off, offer your child rest time. Tell your child to lay quietly for an hour. You can also put on a sleepy story or some white noise. If your child falls asleep allow them to nap. If your child does not fall asleep, the rest time is helpful in refilling their tanks. Learning that resting is okay and resting when needed are skills that will stick with your child into adulthood.


If you are entering a new year of daycare or just starting daycare for the first time, this is a huge transition.  Ensure that you relay your child’s schedule to the staff.  If you are working on sleep and your child needs to sleep at certain times, let the daycare know. Most daycares work with parents to ensure the child gets what they need.  Be sure to advocate for your child’s sleep needs. The result of not doing so can lead to hard nights at home. Which can cycle to hard days.  The best way to ensure a smooth transition is to let your child’s needs be known.


School is a big transition, no matter the age. Being well rested will allow your child to thrive.


Best wishes for a wonderful and well rested school year!